Singing Guide: Meghan Trainor feat. John Legend

Singing Guide: Meghan Trainor feat. John Legend

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Meghan Trainor feat. John Legend

Meghan Trainor is well known for her retro style vocal performances with the use of upbeat musical instruments and lyrics. Her unique style revolves around bringing back musical reminiscences of the 20s and 50s, giving it a contemporary touch. John Legend, on the other hand, is an example of a seasoned vocalist with an awe-inspiring voice range and also serves as the cherry on top of Meghan Trainor’s track “Like I Am Going to Lose You.”

Tips, Techniques, and Resources to Help You Sing Like Meghan Trainor with John Legend

  1. Breathe Correctly and Support Your Voice- Singing requires a lot of breath control and the ability to maintain consistency in breath control. To achieve this, you need to know how to breathe correctly and support your voice using your diaphragm. Check out this Singing Carrots article on Breath Support to help you understand this technique.

  2. Articulate Correctly - Trainor and Legend both feature a tremendous ability to articulate words in their songs. Precision in pronunciation is essential as it enables better clarity and expression of the piece. Here is a helpful article from Singing Carrots covering this topic.

  3. Incorporate Vibrato- As Meghan Trainor and John Legend both have deep musical roots, incorporating vibrato in their performances is second nature. To achieve this technique, start with the diaphragm as you gradually reduce the amount of air flow. Make sure not to overdo the vibrato as it can become an unwelcome distraction.

  4. Style of Singing- Trainor and Legend have a unique style of singing characterized by upbeat swag, energy, and soulfulness. You can take Singing Carrots’ singing course to grasp the basics of singing theory and practical tips.

  5. Listen, Practice and Record Yourself - Listen to “Like I am going to lose you” by Trainor and Legend, and pay attention intently to how they articulate words, instrumentals, and emotional expression. Record and replay your voice and listen with a critical ear. Evaluate your progress, adjust, and keep practicing until you perfect your technique.

Helpful Singing Carrots Resources to Get You Started

With practice, dedication, and perseverance, using these tips and techniques will help you learn to sing like and even better than Meghan Trainor with John Legend.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.